Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
This novel was very confusing to me. The
relationships that were built in this novel were out of the norm in my eyes. I didn’t
think it was okay that Joe left his family to join the military. His mission
was to fight against the Germans, but that did not work in his favor. I thought
it was sad that Rosa was pregnant and Joe had no idea about it. I do not think
it is okay for a woman to hide her pregnancy from the father of the child. Joe
was stationed to be in Antarctica and ended up being one of the last men
standing. It would have been devastating if Joe was to die not knowing that he
had a child on the way. I think a lot of things were going on in Joe’s head
because he lost his dear brother and couldn’t get his family to come to the
states. What confused me the most was that Sammy, who was confused on his
sexuality, ended up marrying Rosa. They both helped raise Tommy. In the end Joe
was once again reunited with his son and former wife. He then moved in with
Sammy and Rosa which confused me because he was once married with Rosa. The book
was confusing in that sense, but it was really interesting to see they were
able to be cordial with each other after all the lies.
longest story ever, even more confusing because things were in a different language